Monday, November 14, 2011

Threats to withdraw support and refer to ILO does not seem to work with BN government

Monday, November 14, 2011
Well, the Malaysian government is still 'silent' with regards the proposed amendments of the Employment Act 1955, which, amongst others, will result in labour suppliers ('contractors for labour' or the 'outsourcing agents') becoming and continuing to be the employer of workers they supply to the owner/operator/principal.

Workers working at ABC factory will no longer be employees of the said factory, and as such will not be able to demand/negotiate better working conditions, pay, etc with ABC, but will be employees of some labour supplier. Union in ABC factory, if already in existence, will be totally weakened - and ultimately be 'irrelevant' - for in negotiations with employers, all that workers have is the threat of protest, pickets, slow-downs and/or strike - but now it is lost for ABC can still operate with 'outside' workers - who are employees of labour suppliers.
Picketers in Seberang Perai, Penang

These labour suppliers do not own/operate any factory, plantation or workplace - and as such have no work of their own that require workers, and if there be a union in the labour supplier's company, which is near impossible, the workers/union will not have the ability to fight for better working conditions or wages for a strike or slow down will just not affect any of their 'labour supplier's' business, production, etc ...would they now. With no assets in the form of a factory or a plantation, it is so easy for these 'labour supplier' companies to just wind-up or close down declaring bankruptcy even when the workers are successful in their claims. Guess what - Malaysia has no specific act even that governs these 'labour-suppliers', now existing 'illegally' as outsourcing companies - who are not companies to whom work has been outsourced but really they are 'labour outsourcing companies' - labour suppliers.

The use of the term 'outsourcing', I believe is also mischievous and intentional for the normal man in the street can easily be deceived for after all 'outsourcing' of work or part of operations is already an accepted norm...

The government of Malaysia have been totally silent after the 10,000 over persons protest all over the country in 18 different locations on 3/11/2011 ...and the strong condemnation of this amendments of more than 115 groups including also the

worlds biggest worker union (ITUC)...and protest from various groups like the JAG, representing the women groups in Malaysia ....but this is typical for this BN government..
Media 'blackout', easily done because the mainstream are

owned/controlled by those aligned to the BN government and of course there is that draconian Printing Presses and Publications Act that vest almost unchallengeable power on the government to not give new annual permits or just revoke it...

Keep it out of the news...and proceed to change the labour laws... and life goes on. Workers and their unions just lose...The Malaysian people just loses......
Now, the Malaysian unions have threatened that there will be consequences come next General Elections, and have also threatened to bring this matter to the ILO (see below)... but the BN government is just not bothered and they continue their strategy of just silence ...and blacking out the issue with the hope that Malaysians will soon forget...and get frustrated...hence killing the objections and the protests...

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